SCM Music Player

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leader problem

Every time i become the leader of assignment group, i thought i can guide my group members to done the report in a wonderful manner. I thought i can guide them to finish their task in the report correctly and they can receive the correct message of doing the assignment. I thought i can be a good leader, i can done the best report to be submitted.

Actually i am not a good leader, i m not good in divide the task, not good in guiding my group members, not good in explaining what should my group members need to do. When i joined the others assignment group, i always complaint about the leader, complaint this and that. I only know to complaint others, but i didn't think back  is't i can do better than them. "Look through ourselves before complaint the others" is a very good quote to explain this situation.


  1. you did good job already ! trust me you did good! :) no one is perfect!I understand how you feel. Don't be upset!Do more and you will get use to it and u will be greatest leader soon!i am sorry if i ...... do anything wrong!

  2. ned bother tis uncle de, EMO KING lai de!!!

  3. kt 把 emo 通通丢掉啦。。。
