SCM Music Player

Thursday, March 29, 2012




很累了,今天和朋友玩了一整天,现在休息去,半夜还要起来消化phychology chapter 1 and 2, 因为明天有quiz 啊。。再见

Monday, March 26, 2012




还有,在大学生活免不了presentation,还记得在MMU第一次presentation的情景,当时站在课室的前方,面对所有学生时紧张到坐立不安,我present 到一半就卡住了,丢脸死。经过多次的训练,现在的我还蛮喜欢presentation。


Sunday, March 25, 2012

好友的告别聚会 ^_^

不知不觉,已经深夜 2时30分,短暂的一天又过去了。后天,我的一位好友 (咏诃),也是认识了十多年的朋友,将到吉隆坡去深造,就读他最有兴趣的日语,祝早日成功。我和他小学就认识,但严格来说,我们小时候也就读同一间的幼儿园,但那时我还不认识他,然后一起读中学,很多时候我们都读同一班,到大学了还可以读同一所大学,住在同一个屋檐下。

他是我认识最久和最优联系的朋友,他的为人不错,但是有时脾气很暴躁,还很“乖懒”。刚才晚上,他,阿伦,Daniel 和我原本打算去Sakurahouse吃日本料理 ,但被fully booked了,我们只好去Amigo吃,当作我们的告别聚会。
En dao ba

之后我们去Dataran Pahlawan 里的桌球室Cue Club打桌球,因为我不会打桌球,所以去玩玩而已。
Daniel 很专业的样子,赞!
然后我们去GSC看电影 The Hunger Games,其实我觉得该部电影不是很好看,可能是我不会欣赏吧。

Saturday, March 24, 2012


光华电子新闻 | 女佣课题:只能看印尼的脸色

过去20年,印尼经济水平超低,马来西亚与印尼的经济水平比例差距很大,所以我们能够享用印尼女佣的便利。 但是近年来,印尼已经崛起了。随着民主政治改革成功,加上政局稳定,印尼已经成为东南亚最受瞩目的国家之一。去年印尼的经济成长高达6.5%,而在吸引外资方面更是一张亮丽成绩单,以193亿美元傲视东南亚。


马来西亚就刚好相反,近年来都负债累累,负债率将GDP的48%调高至55%. 2011年经济成长只达5.05%,贪污腐败的情况日益严重,高官们都把自己的利益排在最前,人民的辛苦他们都当成透明。某位部长还透露,几年后马来西亚将会成为女佣供应国。所以现在马来西亚人民自己好好想一想吧,还该不该聘请印尼女佣,接下来的日子,我们还是自己学习完成事务,不依赖女佣吧。

Don't trust what you see :)

We always trust what we see from our own eyes, but after looking at some pictures below, i can make sure u won't trust your eyes again.

  • Illusions

Delightful illusions

Distortion illusions

The famous Cafe Wall Illusion was discovered by Richard Gregory, on a cafe wall in Bristol, England. It develops when a staggered arrangement of light and dark bricks are separated by thin lines of 'mortar' whose brightness is intermediate between the brightness of the light and dark bricks. This creates a powerful impression of criss-crossing 'slant' in the perfectly horizontal 'mortar' lines.
Cafe Wall
This is a perfectly round circle, but the slanting lines appear to distort it.
Distorted Circle
The vertical lines are straight and parallel, but they look as if they are bowed outwards. The slanting lines simulate perspective and create a false impression of depth. Discovered by the physiologist Ewald Hering (1861).
Hering's Illusion
Probably the most famous and most studied illusion was created by German psychiatrist Franz M�ller-Lyer in 1889. Which of the two vertical line segments is longer? Although your visual system tells you that the right one is longer, a ruler would confirm that they are equal in length.
The horizontal lines are parallel, but the slanting lines makes them appear to diverge. Discovered in 1860 by F. Z�llner. He described it in a letter to physicist and scholar J. C. Poggendorff, editor of Annalen der Physik und Chemie, who subsequently discovered the related Poggendorff illusion.
Zollner's Illusion

Ambiguous illusions
The white triangle looks very real, although there's no triangle per se. 
wine goblet - or two faces in profile? 
Impossible Illusions

Motion Illutions

Akiyoshi Kitaoka "Rotating Snakes" illusion presents an example of radial drift illusion caused by line ambiguity in peripheral visual field. Even though this image has been downsized and reproduced in black and white, if you stare at the center of this image the illusion of rotational drift in the periphery is obvious. This illusion is most likely due to a bug in the cortical lateral line-resolution process which causes ambiguous data in the visual periphery to remain unresolved, thus lines cannot hold and instead creep and drift, creating the illusion of gradual radial movement. This creeping of line and shade in the periphery is similar to animated hallucinations seen on a light psychedelic trip.[
Rotating Snakes

Stare at the center and move your head forwards and backwards.

Unstable Illusions

Some two-dimensional figures can be interpreted as solid objects in more than one way. A well-known example of this is the flat representation of a wire-frame cube, which can be seen as if from above, or below.
The Necker Cube

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Facebook Stock. Does it worth to buy?

  • From the news, it shows that the Facebook IPO will be around $40 ( US Dollar). 
  • The social media giant is reportedly flirting with a $75 billion to $100 billion valuation, making it easily the biggest tech initial public offering in history. 
  • There are many different story among Facebook stock price. Some analysts predict it will raise high, some says it will disappointed the investors, but anyway, the answer will shown to us after Facebook successful listed in the stock market.
  • Will Facebook face the fierce challenge from it competitors which also with advertising base and offering social website? For example Google+. What strategy Facebook used to make sure it's the winner?
Below are few links that show the news of Facebook.

墨二分钟7.4强震 1600幢房屋倒塌5伤

墨二分钟7.4强震 1600幢房屋倒塌5伤


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SPM result released

Today is the date of SPM result released, this date will influence all SPM candidates who was taking SPM at the past year to become so nervous at the day before today and the day before tomorrow (means yesterday and today).

This date make me recall back last time when i was finished studied at secondary school and waiting for the SPM result, i am also very nervous to know hows my SPM result, is't flying color or getting grade around "elephant" although i already know my degree of standard.

My SPM result showed that i had no paying effort on study during secondary school. Now i am study at university and i feel regret why i am not work hard when i was in secondary school. I regret because i have no good knowledge base especially my English grammar. Now studying at MMU and i try to improve my English but it was so hard for me to achieve this target. I never get an A in the grade of English exam paper in MMU and even the MUET test, i had used twice time to only get a band 3.

In MMU, i was choose to studied mechanical engineering for my degree but i was fail this mission, haiz, this mission fail make my parents disappointed again. Now i transfer my course to marketing management and i hope i can pay full of my hard work on it to achieved the best result, i don't want to disappointed my parents and myself again.


智能手机(smartphone) 对现代的人类已成为了必需品,身边的朋友也一个个将基本手机升级至 智能手机 。朋友们也呼吁我把手机换了,因为他有多功能,还备有免费通话和简讯。 其实我也很想拥有它,但我还是做了决定,不换了。






Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sick again :(

Long time i didn't write my blog and it was cover by dust, this morning i wake up early and feel nothing to do so i come here and write something.

Yesterday morning when i woke up, i feel i was getting sore throat, painful of my whole body and lack of spirit, my throat was very pain when i drink or eat. I know that this was the early symptom from getting fever. My whole body getting pain as i was joined the 7km MMU charity run yesterday. After i had the afternoon tea with my friends, i back home and took a shower. Then i feel very cold even i not turned on the fan, and i know i m getting fever. I wear the jacket and take 2 tablets of panadol, at night i feel i m getting better.

Before studied at MMU, when i was sick, my parents will take care of me, bring me to clinic and do everything for  me to make sure i was cure from sickness. After studied at MMU, everything was changed, i need to take care for myself and done everything myself. But i want to thanks one of my friend, this is the 1st time i feel concerned by other when i fall sick in my university study life.